HTML Notes

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HTML Notes for TC 341:

<p> 		start a new paragraph
<br>		line break
<html>		should be at the begining of each html doc
<head>		heading command, to create the heading section of a page.
<title> 	To define a Title for a page.
<body>		conatains all the main sections of the page.
<h1>, <h2>...	create a heading
<!--Comments are added here.-->
<font size=4 color="#ff0000"> define font size and color
<b>	makes text bold
<i> 	makes text italicized
<sup>	makes text superscript
<sub>	makes text subscript
<pre> 	used to enter preformated text
<xmp>	used to show tags in the document
<li> 	used to list items
<ol> 	used to create an ordered list.
<center> Centers objects on the page.
<blockquote> create a block quote