Perl Array Functions

pop() #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = qw(one, two, three) # initialize @list $last = pop(@list); # $last is the last elemenet in the list print ("$last\n"); # prints $last and goes to a new line _END_ Result: three

push() #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = (1, 2, 3); # initialize @list push (@list, 10, 20, 30); # @list now equals (1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30) print ("@list\n"); # prints @list and goes to a new line _END_ Result: 1 2 3 10 20 30

unshift() #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = qw(one, two, three); # initialize @list $new_number = ("four"); # set $new_number to "four" unshift (@list, $new_number); # @list is now (four, one, two, three) print ("@list\n"); # prints @list and goes to a new line _END_ Result: four, one, two, three

shift() #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = qw(one, two, three); # initialize @list $first = shift(@list); # $first is set to the 1st element print ("$first\n"); # prints $first and goes to a new line _END_ Result: one

sort() #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = qw(March April May); # initialize @list @list = sort(@list); # @list is now ("April","March","May") print ("@list\n"); # prints @list and goes to a new line _END_ Result: April March May

splice() #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = qw(three four five); # initialize @list @list2 = qw(two one); # initialize @list2 splice (@list2, 1, 1, @list); # this replaces the last element of @list2 ("one") with the first element of @list2 print ("@list2\n"); # prints new @list2 and goes to a new line _END_ Result: two three four five

split() #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = qw(Hello Professor Horn); # initialize @list split (/ /,@list); # separates each element of the string into an array at each occurrence of a space print ("@list\n"); # print entire string print ("@list[0]\n"); # prints first element of string print ("@list[1]\n"); # prints second element of string print ("@list[2]\n"); # prints third element of string _END_ Result: Hello Professor Horn

neat tricks #!/usr/local/bin/perl @list = qw(Programming with Perl); # initialize @list @reverse_list = reverse(@list); # reverses order of elements in string print ("@reverse_list\n"); # prints reverse of string and goes to a new line @slice = (@list[1..2]); # sets @slice equal to the second through third elements in the string print ("@slice\n"); # prints @slice ("with Perl") and goes to a new line _END_ Result: Perl with Programming
with Perl